Drop-off is 8:15 am in the TK-Kinder yard. Parents line up in designated lines and wait for teachers to open classrooms.
Pick up is at 1:30 pm outside the yard. Teachers will release students when they see the parent/caregiver of each student.
Minimum Day does not affect TK & Kindergarten schedules.
Student drop-off/ pick-up
FRONT of school
Communicate with your child that they are to wait at the yellow curb until you (or another caregiver) pull up before approaching your car.
Follow the moving traffic pattern, and do not skip around the line once your own child has climbed in the car.
Do not park in staff spaces or any other non-designated parking spot in the lot at the front of the school.
If you have the ability, park in the library parking lot and walk up the hill to pick up your child.
BACK of school
Traffic is a one-way pattern - south on Highland and then down on Arlmont. Please drop students in the drop-off zone (red curb with signage) on Highland and proceed right down Arlmont. There is short-term parking on Arlmont, but please use the crosswalk to cross the street.
Do not leave cars in the drop-off zone.
Do not park on the private road above Arlmont.
Do not drive up Arlmont in defiance of one-way traffic.
Do not drive into the school parking lot via the back gate!

* Only TK & Kinder parents & caregivers may walk students to class. All other students must walk to the yard on their own.
Please do not park in staff parking spots when dropping off students.
Do not leave your car unattended in loading zones.
Do not block neighbor's driveways.